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🌞 WeatherApp for Your Holiday Destination

☕ Specialty Coffee in Singapore

WeatherApp For Your Holiday Destination

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and React

How to use this WeatherApp?

With this WeatherApp you are sure that you do not miss any weather information about your holiday destinations. You can compare four destinations with each other. Let's have a look!

Screenshot WeatherApp Front page

Screenshot 1: In the header you will see your temperature of your city (if you enable GPS)

Screenshot WeatherApp four cards

Screenshot 2: Use the form for your four holiday destinations. You will immediately see today's weather outlook.

Screenshot WeatherApp 3days forecast

Screenshot 3: For every location there is a three days forecast. (Using flipcards)

Screenshot WeatherApp 3days forecast

Screenshot 4: Or you flip back to the weather of today.

Which coding languages?

This WeatherApp I used in two workshops (with and without React) of SheCodes: Front-end Development and React Development. For Front-end Development I used HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. For React Development I coded in JavaScript and CSS3. See also my overview of different tools and languages.

Specialty Coffee in Singapore

HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

What is the goal of this website?

This website gives you 5 fantastic hot spots in Specialty Coffee in Singapore.

text CoffeeApp

Screenshot 1: Goal of this website

picture of coffee cafe Nylon

Screenshot 2: Nylon Coffee, number 1 in the list.

picture of coffee cafe Percolate

Screenshot 3: Try a specialty coffee cafe in a local neighboorhoud just like Percolate!

Which coding languages?

For this first website I used mainly HTML5 and CSS. For some events on the site I used JavaScript.